Diet Time

ive decided that if i want to be serious about this losing weight thing, i need to have a stricter diet, and not just eat what i want. so i am going to make a set of rules for myself:

-no more than 25g of fat a day

-atleast 3 different fruits a day

-atleast 5 different vegetables a day

-at least 8 glasses of water


-absolutely NO JUNK FOOD

-no white flour

-if it is necessary to go out to eat, a salad is necessary

-whole wheat bread only [which isnt that hard because i love it. i dont really like white bread + i grew up on whole wheat]

-i MUST do an hour of exerrcises every day

-eating breakfast is VERY necessary

-stop eating when full

-portion food correctly [serving size]


a great website to help with dieting is i recently discovered it, and i could have helped me a lottttt during my weight loss period..but i plan on using it now to get the last 14lbs off [:

it has really helpful things like

-weight loss foods:

-foods not to eat:

-percentages of fat/carb/proteins needed a day:

and much much more..i would strongly recommend it for anyone trying to lose weight

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